Sunday, October 11, 2009

Search for Jamie Grissim Today

Vancouver, WA - Just a reminder that later today Clark County Sherriff’s Office will be conducting a ground search & recovery effort for the missing Vancouver Teenager (from 1971) Jamie Grissim. On hand will be Starr Lara (Hillsboro, OR resident and sister of Jamie Grissim), Michelle Bart, chairperson of National Vigil For Hope, and lead detective on this cold case, Rick Buckner.

Search & Recovery for Jamie Grissim
Sunday, October 11, 2009 – 9am

Jamie,16,was last seen on the morning of December 7, 1971, as she left for school at Ft. Vancouver High School by her sister. Her purse, ID, and possessions were found in May 1972 in the woods NE of Vancouver, at a bridge crossing within very short distance from a trail where two victims were found. Jamie is considered to be the first victim of a potential serial killer [Warren Forest] who is believed to have raped and killed 6 to 8 young Vancouver women in Clark County between January 10, 1972 and October 1, 1974. He was tried for the death of one woman in 1978 and received life sentence. Jamie is still missing. One body was never identified to this day. All victims except Jamie have been found. Forest is due out in 2014.

Thank you for continuing to keep this case and all missing children & adult cases visible. Any questions, please contact at 626-644-3472.

Michelle A. Bart
Helping Heroes National Vigil for Hope
626-644-3472 cell/

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