Sunday, March 29, 2009

Caylee Marie: will she ever rest in peace?

Caylee Marie and the many people I met and worked with over the past eight months made an everlasting impact on my life, but also an everlasting opinion on how one little girl can continue to intrigue a nation and for that matter a world.

Will Caylee Marie ever rest in peace? Will the truth ever be exposed? Most importantly, will we ever know why someone would cause such pain to an angel who became the "Sunshine" to many people's lives?

I have so many questions and like with all of you, I just hope these questions soon will be answered so "America's Angel" can be the wind beneath our wings in helping other families find their little angels too.

For updates and to leave a message to George, Cindy, and the family continue visiting

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another Angel in Heaven – Stephanie Condon’s Remains Found

Today has been bittersweet for many families across the country, but for the Condon Family it means closure. Stephanie Condon was only 14-years old when she disappeared while babysitting her cousin on October 30, 1998 in Tri City, Oregon.
A beautiful teenager, Stephanie loved hanging with her friends, playing volleyball, and had a zest for life. On Friday, March 13, 2009 a hiker walking his dog near Glide, Oregon found skeleton remains; today it was announced they were the remains of Stephanie Condon.

Duncan & Jack Connolly (abducted March 8, 2009)
Duncan (9) and Jack (7) Connolly were abducted from Leroy, IL on March 8, 2009 after their father Michael Connolly did not return them to their mother after a overnight visitation. Please continue reposting their photos and story, lets work together to bring them home.


National Vigil For Hope 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

American Idol Weekly Recap - March 10th

American Idol Weekly Recap – March 10, 2009
By Michelle A. Bart

This week’s American Idol narrowed down the playing field to not twelve but thirteen singers looking for their big break in making it to the top. After callers voted -Jasmine, Anoop, and Jorge were in the bottom. With the option from the judges (one save in the entire season) to keep one of them, Jasmine and Jorge were both sent home.

My opinion, Anoop and Jorge both should have been sent packing. Jasmine, only 16 years old, in my opinion would have been able to surpass many others in weeks ahead if given a little more time to show her colors; her voice is awesome and in the end I believe she many have been in the top five, but we’ll never really know.

Jasmine, use this as a stepping stone and next year try out again – I believe you will go far in life, but your voice will guide you even farther!

Hope this wasn’t another Jennifer Hudson mistake. Tonight, I predict Adam and Lil to rock it out in the end, but that’s this week’s prediction, with Idol all things are possible and you can never underestimate the voters/callers.

Michelle Bart is a freelance writer for many national publications. She is also owner of Helping Heroes Productions a national marketing and public relations’ corporation. She can be reached at